The Other Streets In Town – Part II

There were more streets off of and parallel to Main Street (Marietta Street) that have not had much attention or a lot written about them. The people and businesses located here also played an important part of the settling and growth of Powder Springs.

These streets are: Pineview Drive; Jackson Way; Old Lost Mountain; Dillard Street; New Macland and Austell (Old Austell) Road.

PINEVIEW DRIVE was originally named Seaboard Avenue when the Seaboard Railroad was built in 1882. Sometime after the rail line was discontinued, the Silver Comet Trail was built on the old Railroad bed. Pineview turns off Marietta Street, past the park, crosses Jackson Way going past the old Historic Baptist Cemetery and continuing until it dead ends at Dillard Street.

There were several businesses and houses located on both sides of Pineview from Main Street (Marietta) to Jackson Way and Cemetery Street from the early days to current times.

It was the site of Doctor Robert Murray and Doctor James S. Vaughn offices/practice, Doctor Vaughn and his family’s home, Mrs. Parlier’s House and Charlie Holland’s house.

The Delco Light Plant, Dudley Sorrell’s Barbershop, Hubert Taylor’s Upholstery, C. M. McTyre’s Gin, Bob Bennett’s Clothing Store, Ted Leake’s Grocery, Franklin’s Shoe Repair Shop, Glenn Brooks Barber Shop and Earl Porter’s Garage. In 1950 City Hall was built on the corner of Pineview and Marietta Street. The building housed the Police Department and had two jail cells. Located in the basement facing Marietta Street was the County Health Extension/Services and a small library. When the Post Office had outgrown its original space on Marietta, a new building was built next to City Hall on the corner of Pineview and Jackson Way in the 1970’s.

There was an alley or small dirt road that turned off Pineview Drive before Jackson Way that ran parallel to and behind the brick buildings that faced Marietta Street. There were several houses located here. Della Kuykendall (1875-1963) lived in one of the houses. Her house was directly behind the building that housed the Telephone Exchange when it was established in 1900. There is an empty lot, court yard, were the building was located, between the restaurant building (Push Rod’s Sign) and Hand Me Ups. Mrs. Kuykendall was the first night operator for the Powder Springs Telephone Exchange Switch Board. She held this job for 9 years.

Dr. George Ragsdale had his office on the corner of the alley/dirt road and Pineview Drive.

Tom Lindley’s Coffin House or ‘casket room’ was also located on this street. Mr. Lindley was the local undertaker at the time and sold coffins’ (or casket’s) out of this general merchandise store as needed.

On past the Baptist Cemetery in the area now occupied by the Powder Springs Apartments (Duplexes) down to Lindley Drive is the site of Powder Springs Swimming Pool and Dance Hall. This recreation area extended over to Old Lost Mountain Road. Tom Camp built, owned and operated it as The Crescent Swimming Pool and Pavilion from 1920 to 1930. People came from the surrounding areas, and even from Atlanta, to enjoy the entertainment Mr. Camp provided – swimming, music, dancing, entertainers, refreshments, picnicking facilities and various other activities of enjoyment of the times.

The first Springville Academy was located between the site of the Swimming Pool and Lindley Drive.

JACKSON WAY Historic Baptist Cemetery is located on the corners of Jackson Way, Pineview Drive and part of Cemetery Street where it comes back into Jackson Way from Pineview Drive.

Sites of Blacksmith Shop – Hesekiah Reynolds & Son – Levi Reynolds – Caldwell – Jones – J. W. Mise – Barron, across from the cemetery.

OLD LOST MOUNTIAN ROAD runs from Marietta Street (Highway 278) crossing Richard Sailers Parkway on to Macland. The part from Marietta Street to the Parkway is an old section of town.

The Primitive Baptist Church is located on the corners of Old Lost Mountain Road, Marietta Street and Jackson Way. The Baptist Church was established around 1835. Around 1840 the members had a difference of opinion about church doctrine and split. The Primitive Baptist Church came into its on and built their church on the present site.

Across the Seaboard Railroad Tracks (Silver Comet Trail and Richard Sailors Parkway) was the house of the families of Kiser, Leake, McKiney and Voyles. The site of Liberty Hill School, a school for the Blacks.

On down the road before Macedonia Road is the home of Wofford Maddox. The house was built around 1900 and still stands today.

DILLARD STREET runs from Atlanta Street across Marietta Street and dead ends at Pineview Drive. Dillard originally went on across the railroad tracks (Silver Comet Trail) and curved coming out on Macland Road (New Macland Road). This would now be going across the Parkway, down the right side of Home Depot’s to the back part of the parking lot, turning right , going around the bank building and coming out close to the woods onto New Macland Road.

The Seaboard Railroad Depot was located on Dillard Street on the other side of the railroad tracks on the right

On the corners of Dillard and Marietta Streets are houses that would have been home to the Dr. John Hunter and family, who was also a druggist – He operated his office and drugstore from his home. Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Miller – Herschel Brown – Ingram House. John Huett – Dr. J. D. Middlebrooks – S. A. Siniard – Jake Miller – Raiford Littlefield House.

Among others who lived on Dillard were Keith’s, Wallace’s, Poore’s, Wisener’s and Andersons.

NEW MACLAND ROAD runs from Marietta Street to Macland Road to Dallas Highway. This is the part form Marietta Street to Macland Road.

On the corners of Marietta Street and Macland Road was the location of The Springville Presbyterian Church. The home of W. J. Tapp – T. J. Hardage -Garnet Hardage. The home of Capitola Sim’s – Jim Rice and later years, the 76 Service Station.

The site of Davis Chapel Methodist Church is on the left side of New Macland Road near the overhead bridge. The Chapel was next door to the home of Andy and Laura Davis. This may have been the reason the church was named Davis Chapel.

Closer to Macland is the site of the Seventh District A & M School which opened in 1908. (A and M standing for Agricultural and Mechanical). The school closed in 1932. In 1933 it reopened as The John McEachern High School with grades 1 through 11, adding the 12th grade in 1952.

OLD AUSTELL ROAD runs from Marietta Street crossing Atlanta Street to Austell Road.

The Methodist Cemetery and the Powder Springs City Cemetery are both located on Old Austell Road, down from the intersection with Atlanta Street. The road divides the two cemeteries.

The Methodist Cemetery is on the East Side of the road and was established in 1847. It is also the site of the first log building for the Methodist Church. The cemetery is sometimes confused with the neighboring cemeteries across the street – Powder Springs City Cemetery and the Powder Springs Memorial Gardens.

The Powder Springs City Cemetery was established in 1917 and is on west Side of the road. The cemetery is across the street from the Methodist Cemetery. It is also sometimes as being part of the Methodist Cemetery or the Baptist Cemetery.

On the corner of Marietta Street and Old Austell Road Elisha and J.F.P. Lindley had a Cotton Gin. Later W. Y. Stovall – M. A. J. Landers had a house there. It then became the Smith House – property of Blythe Isley – a Shell Service Station and a used car lot. There is now a Pizza Delivery business on the site.

The sites of Holbrook Store and Filling Station and Lease James Store and Filling Station were both located on opposite sides of the street probably between Marietta Street and Atlanta Street. It is not known if they were both there at the same time or not

Ella Hunter ran a private school out of her home on the corner of Atlanta and Old Austell Road. In later years the Lanier Harmon’s built a house on the site. The Keith and Pledger families lived in houses next door to the Harmon’s at one time.

On the other corner was the home of Pete Hardy and his family. His property was next to the City Cemetery. For many years Mr. Hardy helped keep the cemetery clean and mowed.

This is not all the people and businesses that were located on these Streets. It does give another glimpse into the early history and people who lived and worked out side of the actual downtown area of Powder Springs and their part in settling of the town.

This information comes from the various papers, histories and documents that were gathered and compiled by Sarah Frances Miller, Miss Roberta Murray and Miss Virginia Tapp and is on file at the Museum. We are greatful to these ladies who were our original Historians and what they have provided for our museum and heritage of Powder Springs.

These information documents can be found at the Museum in the Library and Research Room.