Powder Springs Ordinance Book of 1898

Powder Springs Charter Amended

An Act to amend an Act incorporating the town of Powder Springs in Cobb County, providing for the election of Mayor, Council, Marshal, Clerk, and to define their powers, duties, etc., approved September 18, 1883, so as to more accurately define and fix the limits of said Town of Powder Springs; to authorize said officers to levy and collect taxes, lay out and improve streets and otherwise increase the powers and duties of said officers, and for other purposes.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, That from and after the passage of this Act, Section 2 of said Act, approved September 18, 1883, be stricken, and in lieu thereof the following be passed, to be known as Section 2 of said Act, and to read as follows:

Section 2. The corporate limits of said Town shall be defined as follows, to-wit:……… Beginning on the west side of Powder Springs at the bridge over Powder Springs Creek, and running down the creek south, making the east side of the creek the line a distance of five hundred yards; thence east to the south corner of the cemetery on the road leading to Austell; thence north along the east side of said cemetery back to Atlanta Road; thence across said Marietta Street to the North Marietta road and running on the east side of said road to the north line of the Colored Church property; thence west parallel with Marietta Street along the branch of the junction of the Dallas and Lost Mountain road; thence west along the south side of the Dallas Road a distance of two hundred yards; thence south to the Powder Springs Creek; thence south down the creek to the beginning corner. (Pages 3 and 4 of Ordinance Book 1898)

Last page of the Ordinance Book 18981 – Sec. 92. The foregoing Ordinances, prepared and compiled by W. W. Scott, for the Town of Powder Springs, are hereby adopted and all Ordinances conflicting with the foregoing or any part thereof are hereby repealed.
Passed by Council, Feb 7th, 1898.

W. W. Scott, Mayor, (L.S.). Z. B. Moon, Clerk (L. S.)

The Ordinance Book is on file in the Research Room at Seven Springs Museum. There are various other ordinances regarding the streets, property, livestock, public health concerns, etc. in this 10 plus page booklet. Makes for very interesting reading.