We have some interesting information from various newspapers about Powder Springs from 1910 to 1967. This is just a sampling of what you will find on file in the Research Room at the Seven Springs Museum.
Powder Springs Pioneer – 1910
JOY TO THE BANKERS HEART – This dependable man is the only one that brings joy to the banker’s heart. He is the kink the banks likes to do business with. Whatever the size of the obligation, be it $50 or $5,000, if a man cannot meet it when due, he should be at the bank “on the dot” and explain why. The bank is always ready and willing to explain anything in connection with its own business and expects its customers to do the same. A man should not have anything in his business which he cannot lay before his banker. However much he may think he has a right to cover up things regarding his business from the public, this “right” does not extend to his banker, and unless he is willing to give his banker his entire confidence he may reason to expect the assistance it is in the power of the banker to render. The joy of the banker’s heart is the man who may be absolutely depended upon first, last, and all the time. If any young man starting in business has an idea that character is not a business asset of the highest order, let him talk to some banker about it and he will have cause to change his mind. We solicit the business of a few more dependable men. BANK OF POWDER SPRINGS, J. M. COMER, Cashier. (Note: Wonder how much business this really generated for the bank????)
Marietta Journal – August 4, 1921
M. W. COMPTON Specializes in Staple and Fancy Groceries ALSO a full Line of Cold, Bottled Drinks, and Tobaccos – both Chewing and smoking. My prices on FEED STUFF, SHOES, DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES Cannot be surpassed in Marietta or Atlanta. You will save time, a long haul and money to see me about any of these things you need. Whatever you want you can get at COMPTON’S. Powder Springs, Ga.
B. L. HILLEY – Headquarters for Cold Drinks and Hot Lunches. The only restaurant in Powder Springs. I cater to your Stomach. See me for Candies and Fancy Groceries. Powder Springs, Ga.
DUNCAN’S GARAGE – Overhauls Ford Motors and makes the work whether they want to or not. We also specialize in General Repair Work on ALL Makes of Cars. In charging storage batteries; In Vulcanizing Castings and Tubes WE CARRY ALL KINDS OF PARTS, OILS AND GASOLINE. Our services cannot be surpassed in this section of The state and what is still —- OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST —- That can be found, considering the services rendered. Why go elsewhere When DUNCAN’S can serve you better and cheaper at home? Let’s Keep our money at home by trading at home. “Hard Times” will then Become “Good Times”. C. C. Duncan, Powder Springs, Ga.
Meet me at T A P P ‘ S “The Quality Store.” “Where the nickle does its duty and your dollars have more cents” ……….. Special Sale of Overalls, Work Shirts, Pants, and Hosiery this week. One of the best Overalls made fro… 95 cents and WOrk Shirts at 59 to 99 cents. If our prices aren’t lower, buy elsewhere–full line of staple and fancy Groceries, Tobacco, Household Hardware, etc.. GET IT AL TAPP’S Powder Springs, Georgia.
Bank of Powder Springs, Powder Springs, GA. THIS BANK ENJOYS A POSITION OF STRENGTH AND SAFETY THAT IS UNQUESTIONED. MONEY DEPOSITED IN IT IS INSURED AGAINST LOSS. We solicit your banking business with the firm assurance that we can safely protect your money deposited with us and meet your every requirement in a satisfactory manner. in addition to our own resources amounting to a quarter of a million dollars, we are a member of the Depositors Guarantee Fund, amounting to a half million and have a special contract with The Bankers Trust Company with resources of more than a million dollars whereby they act as our Financial Agent……..Your account is solicited on the basis of safety and service.
Powder Springs Community Fair Pamplet – November 7, 1924 Lunch with “Uncle Ben”, B. L. Hilley, Lunch Counter and complete line of Groceries, Fresh bread daily, Ice – Delivery service.
J. M. Lovinggood & Sons, Dealers in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Produce a specialty. Powder Springs, Ga.
G. M. Hardage – General Department Store, Powder Springs. Dry Goods; Brandname Shoes; Men’s Clothing; Men’s Hats; Headlight and Engineer Overalls; Men’s, Boys and Ladies Underware at savings of 1 – 3; Groceries, Cottonseed meal and Hulls; Lillie Mills Flour no Better at the Price. G. M. Hardage and Luther Rice.
School Supplies, Groceries – “We want your patronage and your Friendship. Make our store your headquarters”. T. L. Lindley Undertaking Supplies a specialty.
Mableton Mail – July 5, 1961
Furr Grocery Company, Powder Springs, Ga. Advertised “Eat Better for Less”. Ham….89 cents lb; Sirloin Steak….89 cents lb; Fresh Corn…5 ears 29 cents; Purple Hull Peas…10 cents lb; Georgia Cantalope…19 cents each; Surfin Shortening…3 lb can 69 cents; Blue Plate Mayonnaise…39 cents pint.
Cotton Bill – October 7, 1909
Between J. L. Butner & Co. Cotton Buyers and General Merchants, Powder Springs, Ga., Bought from M. S. Dupree 66 bales of cotton, weight 366, price .13 cents per bale. Total paid to Mr. Dupree $47.58.
Cotton Bill – September 20, 1913
Between Hardage & McTyre, Dealers in Fertilizer, Cotton Seed Meal & Hulls. Dry Goods, Gents Furnishings and Shoes. Bought from Mr. M. J. Landrum 580 bales of cotton, single weight 537, price…38 cents per bale. Total due to Mr. Landrum $71.82. Mr. Landrum also purchased Guino for $25.00, which brought the amount he was paid to $46.82.