3282 Florence Road Powder Springs, Georgia, 1984
The American Legion Post 294 began in 1984 when a small group of men began meeting in a local restaurant, in a member’s office or on the tailgate of a pickup truck.
Soon 12 men pooled enough money to buy an old house as their first post home. At the first meeting a decision was made by the attending Veterans to file an application for an American Legion Post. At the next meeting a Certificate of Application for a Charter was presented. They also decided to organize a Post as soon as one hundred servicemen of Powder Springs expressed their desire to join the post.
With the charter in 1984, the Post was then able to begin welcoming Veterans from all branches of our armed forces, which they continue to do today.
The mission of the American Legion is: To enhance the well-being of America’s Veterans, their families, our military and our communities by our devotion to mutual helpfulness. The American Legion’s motto is “Veterans Strengthening America”.
A committee was formed to name the Post and “American Legion Post 294” was chosen. All of Powder Springs Veterans who died in the service of their country, as a mark of respect, were honored when the Post was chartered.
At the next meeting, permanent organization was affected/elected. The first being officers of the Post: Commander, Adjutant and Finance Officer and other officers. The current Post Commander (2022) is Greg Redner.
They then began saving money by holding fund raisers such as yard sales, fish fries, turkey shoots and raffles. Later, they began to hold Bingo Games. This enabled them to rent then buy the post home where they are now at 3282 Florence Road, Powder Springs, GA. With the success of Bingo, the post began to grow and flourish enabling them to accomplish many projects. First, they renovated the building making the Bingo Hall one of the largest in Georgia. They sponsored a new Boy Scout Troop (Troop 1294), and, more recently, sponsored a second troop of girls under the Boy Scouts of America (Troop 2294). The Post has also made their facilities available to several non-profit organizations, including the Girl Scouts, ball teams and civic clubs, as well as Powder Springs and Cobb County. Additionally, in the support of youth, scholarship opportunities are available to Post family members and through the National High School Oratorical Contest of the American Legion which begins at the Post level and culminates in state and national winners.
The Post has established affiliated organizations such as a Sons of the American Legion squadron for those male non-veterans, but who are descended from veteran fathers or grandfathers. The American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 294, which comprises mostly of daughters, granddaughters, spouses and female veterans. Although a separate organization, the Auxiliary members support all American Legion activities. Lastly, under the Legion umbrella is another organization, the American Legion Riders consisting of members of the previously mentioned organizations who ride motorcycles and support the Legion mission and other charities while enjoying the camaraderie of motorcycle riding.
The Legion Post 294 has always been a great supporter of Patriotic Days and, in conjunction with the City of Powder Springs, has been hosting Memorial Day and Veterans Day ceremonies honoring our veterans each year since 2001 here in Powder Springs. Memorial Day honors the memory of our country’s war dead of all wars, while Veterans Day (originally Armistice Day marking the end of World War I) honors all Veterans who have served our country.
Some of the information for this article was obtained from the American Legion Post 294’s web site www.post294.org. Additional information about Post 294 can be found on this website such as, Post location, how to contact them, Post Officers, Legion Hall Rentals, events, Sons of Legion, Legion Riders, Auxiliary, etc.
The more detailed and expanded information about American Legion Post 294 was contributed by John Hollner, III, past Post Commander. His assistance was most valuable and appreciated in telling the history of Post 294, as well as, how it serves the community and our country’s Veterans.
The national organization, The American Legion was charted by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic, mutual-help war-time Veteran’s service organization, 501(c)19. It is a community-service organization which now numbers nearly 2 million members – men and women – in nearly l5,000 American Legion Post worldwide.
These Posts are organized into 55 Departments – one each for the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, France, Mexico, and the Philippines.
The American Legion’s national headquarters is in Indianapolis, Indiana, with additional offices in Washington, DC. More information about the National American Legion can be found on their website www.legion.org